Thursday, April 11, 2013

Restoring, Helping, and Vacationing

Greeting all!
I am so excited because my shoulder is healing nicely. I've been doing physical therapy for the last three weeks so now my shoulder is up 30% of the way. By the end of next week, I will be driving again!!! Just to add a little more excitement the backyard is looking fantastic. Since the carpeting in the house will be done next week, it sounds like we'll be moving back in within two weeks from now! :D
I feel so blessed right now! Below is a picture of my backyard in the process of remodeling.

Last weekend, I went on a women's retreat with Harvest Virtue Women's Ministry. The theme was being a mary in a martha world. It was so much fun! At first, I wasn't too excited because most of the people are 20-93 years of age. But even though that was true, it was still fun and they gave some good advice. In fact, one of my roommates was a nurse, and really inspired me to be become a nurse! Now I really don't know what to do because I was thinking of going for an engineering degree! So hopefully I can figure out what degree I will go for before I head off to a real college. Right now I am doing online school. Even though it's a flexible schedule, I like being around people more so it's not such a good fit for an extrovert like me. Below is a picture from the lake at the retreat, it was gorgeous! 

Because I'm thinking of a nursing degree, I am thinking of volunteering at the local hoag hospital to figure out if it's what I want to do. I'm also planning a trip to see my lovely friend, Olivia! I met her at a summit conference in summer of 2011 and I haven't seen her since then! Florida better make way because I'm coming the beginning of summer! It will be my first trip ever to Florida! Well, that's all I've got folks! Hope you have a good week! (:

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